In 2009 we published a post on Karkidaka treatments written by Guest Blogger Dr. Anishkumar. This is a continuation of the same, but written by Maneesh Jayachandran from the viewpoint of a patient. Ayurveda is the knowledge about human life and it's maintenance. It contains the knowledge to protect the health, prevent diseases, treat the diseased and rehabilitate the cured patients. Ayurveda lays more stress on prevention of disease rather than treatment. There is a practise of people taking traditional karkitaka treatment to cope up with the environmental changes.It is a period of detoxification done during the malayalam month of Karkitaka (July-August) during the rains.Panchakarma treatments are provided by different doctors to cleanse the human body.Panchakarma means five activities or processes done to cleanse the body, mind, intellect and indriyas (senses). They are vamana (vomiting), virechana (diarrhea), vasthi (a process of providing medicine to the body through anus
a place to burn the frustrations and share aspirations of Maneesh J