If you have a blog at blogger and you want to have your own domain so that you can do away with the word 'blogspot' in the url of your blog.If you are buying the domain from blogger setting it to work with your blog at blogger is quite easy.Here the other case is described.
I have a blog http://digitaltyke.blogspot.com at blogger.I already have a domain i bought some months ago from dynadot.Domains bought from dynadot are not the best one to host your blog at blogger because they need a fixed ip to be entered for http://digitaltyke.com.This is compulsory.The following method is the workaround.

I have a blog http://digitaltyke.blogspot.com at blogger.I already have a domain i bought some months ago from dynadot.Domains bought from dynadot are not the best one to host your blog at blogger because they need a fixed ip to be entered for http://digitaltyke.com.This is compulsory.The following method is the workaround.
- Login to Dynadot.Reach control panel of your domain.
- Use Dynadot DNS
- Use DOS command prompt or linux terminal of your computer
- Type "ping gh.google.com"
- Find the ip address from the message - as seen in the image
- From "Advanced DNS Dynadot Service",enter the above ip address in the "IP ADDRESS" field which is a required field (not optional).
- In the optional "CNAME Records" field,add a record "www.digitaltyke.com" and enter the value "ghs.google.com"
- Now click "Use Dynadot DNS" to update the DNS entry.
- It takes minimum 20 minutes for the entry to get functional and to be globally available.It is better to check the next day.Checking suddenly won't yield desired results anyway
- Log in to Blogger Dashboard and Select your blog's control panel.
- From the "Setting" tab , go to "Publishing" page.Then switch to "Custom Domain" and enter the domain you have like "http://www.digitaltyke.com"
- Tick the "Redirect digitaltyke.com to www.digitaltyke.com" option and click "save settings".
- The site should be ready the next day.
I bought terramel.org from Dynadot yesterday. Since my main blog is hosted in Wordpress.com, I bought that redirecting stuff from wordpress.com that redirects terramel.wordpress.com users to terramel.org. So, when you go to terramel.org, it shows what is in terramel.wordpress.com. Now I want to add a subdomain in terramel.org and I want to call it opera, so what I want is to be forwarded to terramelopera.blogspot.com when I go to opera.terramel.com...
So I want it this way:
terramel.org ----> terramel.wordpress.com
opera.terramel.org ---> terramelopera.blogpost.com
Is there a way to do it??
Thanx for your attention :D